A quick How-to Guide For Smores & Toasted Marshmallows

A quick How-to Guide For Smores & Toasted Marshmallows

With bonfire night round the corner, it's time to come around the fire on a chilly November evening with friends and family. Smores and marshmallows are going to be essential, so we've put together a quick how-to guide to make sure you can enjoy yourself to the best of your ability!

Things you'll need:

Crackers, Marshmallows, long roasting sticks, chocolate.

Toasting Marshmallows

Toasting marshmallows is quick and easy but can be done wrong, so listen up!

1) Find an open area to build your fire. Things you can use for this step is a fire pit or BBQ, charcoal, wood, paper, dry twigs / branches. Make sure to start the fire about an hour before, so everything is roasting nicely by the time you are ready to go!

2) Take out your roasting sticks (we recommend these being as long as possible and with wooden handles to avoid being burnt).

3) Take a marshmallow and poke your marshmallow onto the end of the stick, so the stick end doesn't go into the fire directly.

4) Place your marshmallow over the edge of the fire, so your marshmallow can begin toasting. Be sure to not place the marshmallow too far into the fire, so they don't burn or get stuck with a horrible bitter burnt taste from the burning coal, etc.

5) Turn gradually to make sure all the marshmallow toasts nicely. When your marshmallow has a light brown shade all over, you are ready to EAT and enjoy the hot, gooey delight.



1) Find an open area to build a fire. Things you can use for this step is a fire pit, charcoal, wood, paper, dry twigs / branches. Make sure to start the fire about an hour before, so everything is roasting nicely!

2) Toast your marshmallow using the steps above.

3) Break off a small piece of cracker and place on the bottom of the marshmallow.

4) Cover the marshmallow with a square of chocolate.

5) Place another small piece of cracker on the top of the chocolate and marshmallow and squish down to create a perfect chocolate and marshmallow sandwich.

6) Wait a few moments for the marshmallow to melt the chocolate and then enjoy!

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