Picnic ideas for kids holidays

Picnic ideas for kids holidays

Planning a picnic for kids during their holidays is a fantastic idea to keep them engaged and entertained. It is also a lower cost alternative to eating out, especially when you have about 7 weeks to fill! To keep kids not only entertained on a day out, here are some fun and kid-friendly picnic food ideas that will help them to want to sit down and eat some food!

  1. Sandwiches: Prepare a variety of sandwiches using different fillings such as jam, peanut butter, ham and cheese, turkey, or even cream cheese and cucumber. Cut them into fun shapes using cookie cutters to make them more appealing.
  2. Fruit Kebabs: Thread bite-sized pieces of fresh fruits like strawberries, grapes, pineapple, and melon onto wooden skewers. These will be colourful and nutritious along with being a hit among kids.
  3. Mini Pizzas: Make mini pizzas using English muffins or pitta bread as the base. Let the kids add their favourite toppings like cheese, pepperoni, peppers, and tomatoes. Bake them beforehand and pack them in individual containers.
  4. Vegetable Sticks with Dip: Cut carrots, celery, cucumber, and peppers into sticks and serve them with a tasty dip like hummus.
  5. Cheese and Crackers: Offer a selection of cheese cubes and crackers for a quick and easy snack. Kids love to munch on these.
  6. Finger Foods: Prepare finger foods like chicken nuggets, mini sausages, or sausage rolls for a savoury treat that's easy to eat on the go.
  7. Rainbow Pasta Salad: Cook different types of pasta in vibrant colours (spinach for green, beetroot for red, carrot for orange, etc.), and toss them together with some diced veggies and a light dressing.
  8. Juice Boxes or Fruit Infused Water: Keep the kids hydrated with juice boxes or fun, fruit-infused water in portable bottles. Alternatively bring a Carafe & Glass set to feed the family!
  9. Sweet Treats: Pack some sweet treats in small sweets jars that will be perfect to keep entertained in the car especially if you have a long journey or get stuck in traffic.
  10. Mini Muffins or Cupcakes: Bake some mini muffins or cupcakes with various flavours, such as chocolate chip, blueberry, or banana.
  11. Yogurt Parfaits: Layer yogurt with granola and fresh fruit in small jars or containers to create cute and tasty parfaits.
  12. Veggie Wraps: Roll up some veggies and cream cheese in tortilla wraps for a light and nutritious meal option.

And don't forget to involve the kids in the preparation process - they might enjoy helping assemble some of these picnic treats!

To help with the day we have a great range of picnicware and throws that you can use each time you take a picnic day out!

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